You may remember the story I share about having the opportunity to personal fly Jim Rohn to a seminar we both needed to be at.

We talked about success strategies and one was to have the guts of a burglar.

You have to watch today’s video to see how I used Jim’s information to ‘burglarize’ a huge company just recently. If you want huge results you have to watch this and then plan on shifting your thinking.

Also, hit me up with your questions live tonight on Blab via this LINK.

Don’t know what blab is? You’re behind big time on the social media curve. It allows us to view each other and chat while others get to watch and listen till it’s there turn to do the same. It’s tonight and here is the information. LINK:

Enjoy today’s video and I’ll see you later tonight.

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Youtube Video: Why I burglarized this company?

17 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs
Fail In Their Business

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