Do you want to totally immerse yourself in growth and refinement, and do so while reveling in luxury?
While attending my Beyond First Class Mastermind Event, you will find your vision and strategy to achieve your goals to be as crystal clear as the waters around you in the beautiful Bahamas.

Malcolm Gladwell, best-selling author of Outliers and Blink, continuously reminds me that genius is not the only important thing (or even the most important) when determining a person’s success.  Malcolm states, “No one — not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses — ever makes it alone”.

The brutal truth is – you won’t either, which is exactly why I created my Beyond First Class Mastermind Event.  This exclusive experience includes you, myself,  and a few selected other clients. We will brainstorm, mastermind, establish strategies, and achieve greatness.
If you’ve ever wanted to take years off the learning curve in taking your personal life or business to the next level, well NOW is the time. That ‘stuck’ feeling is very frustrating, especially when the answers are out there. 

I had the opportunity to shave years off of my learning curve while making over a $100,000 as a teenager and being mentored by two millionaires and later a billionaire. Now, I want to share some of that wisdom, and much more, with YOU.
The next trip available is to the magnificent Berry Islands.  It will be Friday, December 2nd through Tuesday, December 6th, 2016.
We only have about 5 slots left, so if you’re interested click HERE to submit your information, or email us directly at [email protected].

In today’s video, you’ll hear, first hand, the experiences and reflections from a previous attendee of a recent Beyond First Class  event.  Keep in mind that I only have slots left for two couples. If this interests you act quickly as this will go FAST…VERY FAST!

17 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs
Fail In Their Business

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